
Solutions To Issues With Ghost Immobiliser Fitting Near Me

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311159893_995841588058766_6213964028136182559_nlow.jpgKeep Your Vehicle Safe With Ghost Immobilisers

Theft of vehicles is a constant concern for owners who have put in an enormous amount of time and money into their vehicles. There is a good news: there is an affordable solution that can aid you in keeping your vehicle safe from thieves.

Ghost immobilisers function in a discreet manner (without damaging your vehicle) to stop your vehicle from being driven without entering a specific security code. They require minimal maintenance and can be installed by our team of skilled professionals.


A ghost immobiliser is a great addition to your vehicle's security. These devices stop your vehicle from starting until you input the PIN code. They also protect your vehicle from being stolen or hacked. This means that thieves can't copy or duplicate your keys, or use a key programer to disable the immobiliser.

Installing a stealthy ghost immobiliser requires no additional wiring. It connects directly to the vehicle's CAN (Controller Area Network) data circuit. It can be mounted anywhere in your car, including on the center console or dashboard panels. It can also be reversed so you can take it along in the event of a change of vehicle.

The system cannot be detected by a thief, so it won't be spotted even if you remove the unit and transfer it to another vehicle. This is in contrast to physical deterrents, such as wheel locks, which can be smashed or jumped. Furthermore, the device is hidden within the dashboard, making it difficult for thieves to find.

You can start your car by entering the PIN code within the Ghost app, and then pressing the buttons on the control panel and steering wheel. You can also alter the PIN code at any time you want. For valet service, the system can be turned into service mode. This will allow your car to start based upon speed and time. The system will exit service mode depending on the time and speed or if the PIN code is entered.

In contrast to key cloning and hacking ghost immobilisers are a safe, reliable and cost-effective way to secure your vehicle. They connect to the CAN Bus of your engine control unit to prevent thieves from bypassing immobilisers with an ECU that is new or a key.

This technology is not just more effective than other methods of theft prevention and prevention, but it also has the added benefit of maintaining your car's value for resale. This is particularly beneficial for high-end cars that are prone to being taken away.

The shrewd

Ghost immobilisers can be hidden beneath your car and does not require additional lights or fobs. It is operated by connecting to your vehicle's CAN data bus and generating an individual PIN code. The PIN will be required by a criminal to start your car. This means that the device is inaccessible to thieves, which can hinder them from attempting to steal your vehicle.

This sleek system is easy to install in your vehicle and can be installed by one of our highly-trained technicians. It can be fitted without leaving marks on the interior of your car and is ideal to protect your prized possessions. It is also silent and does not emit radio frequencies. This is an ideal alternative to an immobiliser that was installed by the factory.

The Autowatch Ghost, a TASSA-approved aftermarket product, can be used to protect your vehicle from theft. This system uses a special software and autowatch Ghost immobiliser connects to the data bus for CAN within the engine control unit of your vehicle. It can also communicate with your iPhone application that allows you to arm or disarm the system. It can also be used to track the location of your vehicle.

Autowatch Ghost is unlike most immobilisers as it is unable to be copied, hacked or bypassed. This is because the Autowatch Ghost connects to the CAN bus in the engine control unit in your vehicle which makes it very difficult to manipulate.

This technology is an excellent way to protect your vehicle from theft especially if it is custom-made. It's vital to protect your vehicle and its contents, especially when car thefts are at an all-time high. Many people opt to install a ghost immobiliser fitting near me immobiliser in their vehicle, particularly if it has been modified. This technology lets them be sure that they will not be left with a wrecked vehicle when they install it into their vehicle.


Ghost immobilisers are becoming a hot trend in the automotive industry because they protect your vehicle from key cloning, hacking and signal jamming. They protect your vehicle from damage and theft. This makes them a good investment for anyone looking to secure their vehicle. They are among the most innovative and trusted products available, you should only hire an organization that is certified and licensed. This will ensure you receive the highest quality service.

This technology is a silent and discrete device that communicates with your car using the data circuit known as CAN. It functions like credit card and requires a valid identification number to begin the process of starting your vehicle. This is a major deterrent for criminals, because thieves don't wish to spend a lot of time trying to get around the system. It's also weatherproof which means it can be used in any location.

The Autowatch ghost immobiliser is a high-tech aftermarket immobiliser on the CAN bus that will safeguard your vehicle from hacking, key cloning and even key theft. It works by utilising your factory buttons such as those on the steering wheel, door panels and centre consoles to let you create a unique and changeable disarm sequence (like the PIN code) which must be entered before you can drive your vehicle. It can be as long as 20 presses long and is more secure than a credit card PIN.

It can be paired with an auto tracking system that allows you to find your vehicle even if it's stolen. It will also alert you to any vibrations in the vicinity of your vehicle, as well as the damage to your vehicle and any attempts to restart the engine. It can also be controlled remotely by using your mobile phone. This is an essential technology for any car enthusiast.

Installing a ghost immobiliser by an experienced professional is the best method to safeguard your vehicle against theft. Car Specialist Customs is a company that you can trust to complete the job right. They have over 20 years of experience in the field and are skilled in the field of modifying vehicles for aesthetics and safety. Their technicians will provide you with an extensive demonstration of the product and make sure you understand how it works before leaving your home or work.

Easy to install

A ghost immobiliser can be an excellent way to safeguard your vehicle, particularly with the rise in car theft. They are largely undetectable by thieves since they utilize the most advanced technology to safeguard your vehicle and fight key cloning and hacking. They detect any vibrations or contact with your vehicle. They can also detect the damage to your car the attempt of someone to start it. All of this is detected through an app on your smartphone.

They connect to the CAN bus data network of your vehicle and function in silence. This prevents thieves from replacing your ECU with an unintentionally stolen ECU. They don't emit radio signals, which means they are not detected by diagnostic tools such as RF scanning or code-grabbing technology. You can also enable the service mode to allow someone else to drive your vehicle, like when you have your vehicle repaired. There is also an emergency PIN code. You can alter the PIN at any time.

The ghost immobiliser is simple to install and doesn't leave permanent marks on your vehicle. It is easy to remove when you decide to sell or trade it. You can even bring it with you when you buy a new car because the system is transferable to a new car.

You can use buttons on your steering wheel, center console, or door panels to make an entry code that needs to be entered before you can drive the vehicle, making it difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle. The code can be changed or modified at anytime. If you forget your pin code or if it's been compromised by hackers, it can easily be reset.

It is important to remember that this isn't an alternative for an alarm for your car. It can be used with other security features such as an engine block guard, wheel locks and a boot or door lock. Ghost immobilisers won't impact your insurance.


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